Friday, December 4, 2009

When Illness Strikes or Her Healthy Heart

When Illness Strikes: Let Edgar Cayce Help You Manifest Your Healing Response

Author: Elaine Hruska

What do you do when you get sick? Believe it or not, the answer can determine your recovery. Elaine Hruska has written a clear, concise book on healing and what it really means. While many books on health and healing are geared toward those who are not ill but trying to prevent illness, this book speaks directly to those who have been diagnosed with a sickness. It covers topics including the alternative causes of illness, such as attitudes or emotions; the modalities and treatments for illness ranging from homeopathic to conventional medicine; the thought that if we nourish the mind, the body will follow; and the belief that the choices we make can either help us in our healing or hinder our progress in getting better.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1Preparing the Soil: Understanding the Basics1
Chapter 2Sowing the Seeds: Holistic Concepts from the Cayce Readings10
Chapter 3Nurturing the Soul Body: Spirit Is the Life28
Chapter 4Nurturing the Mental Body: Mind Is the Builder48
Chapter 5Nurturing the Material Body: The Physical Is the Result80
Chapter 6Reaping the Harvest: The Fruits of Our Choices117
Chapter 7Being Channels of Blessing: Advice for Caregivers and Practitioners154

See also: Cartoon Guide to Physics or 5 Steps to a 5 AP Microeconomics and Macroeconomics

Her Healthy Heart: A Woman's Guide to Preventing and Reversing Heart Disease Naturally

Author: Linda Ojeda

With more women dying of heart disease than from all types of cancer combined, it is astonishing that the medical community understands far less about heart disease in women than it knows about the same condition in men. Because most of the available data on heart disease is based on research conducted on men, women and their doctors are forced to look for symptoms and risk factors that may be different or not charted in traditional medicine. Linda Ojeda's book is a valuable resource, telling women how to prevent heart disease without hormone replacement therapy or other medications.

Her Healthy Heart provides detailed information on how women can reduce their risk of heart disease by making changes in diet, increasing physical activity, and managing stress. It is designed for women who wish to combine Western medicine with complementary natural options. Individual chapters discuss fat, fiber, protein, B-vitamins, and antioxicants (which Ojeda refers to as "The Secret Weapon"). The book features Ojeda's 50-item lifestyle questionnaire so women can evaluate their current physical and emotional health and pinpoint areas to begin working on.

1 comment:

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